With social studies classes shifting away from a co-taught model it is important that teachers more than ever know how to best support students in their classes with 504s and IEPs. We will cover effective strategies to support students and how to develop effective communication with case managers. Teachers will then be given a chance to organize and apply these tools for the 2nd semester. _x000D_Learn about and apply effective strategies for supporting students with IEPs and 504s in a social studies classroom.
KSDE has put together a new streamlined process to align units with state/priority standards. In this session teachers will be walked through that process and then given time/support to go through it either individually or in their PLCs for an upcoming unit. Following this session teachers will be able to bring their work back to their building PLCs so they can continue the alignment together. _x000D_Teachers/PLCs will work through the new KSDE HGSS process to align a future 2nd semester unit with state/priority standards.